The Journey Home

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Our God is Good...No Matter What

 Aaron and I were so blessed to have our mentor, Mike Baer, marry us.  He wrote our vows for us, and at the end we said to each other, "Together, Forever, Whatever."  I can't tell you how those 3 words have helped us over the years, but it feels like never more so than now.  Currently, there are rumors swirling about the Ethiopian government slashing adoptions by 90% in the very near future.  This, of course, could have major implications for those of us right in the middle of the adoption process.  Here's what the Lord has taught me over the past few years through a dear friend of mine:  "...whatever is true , whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things...and the God of peace will be with you."  (Phil. 4:8-9)  We can choose to drive ourselves crazy with all of the "what if"s and "what about"s, or we can choose to think on and believe only what we know to be true.  

So, here's what I know to be true:  
1)  The God of the universe, who created everything and holds everything together, is our God.  He has plans for us that are perfect in every way.
2)  He is "the God who performs miracles" according to Ps. 77:14
3)  Nothing is too hard for Him, according to Jer. 32:17  ("Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm.  Nothing is too hard for you."  Isn't that a fantastic verse??)
4)  He is strong, and He is loving according to Ps. 62:10 ("One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard:  that you, O God are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving.")
5)  He invites us to rest our weary souls (and racing minds) according to Matt. 11:28. ("Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest...for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.")
6)  He will work ALL things to the good of those who love Him according to Rom. 8:28.
7)  He called our family to adopt.  

He is with us, whispering, "Together, Forever, Whatever."  Oh, how I love Him. His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts.  They are infinitely better.  This in no way surprised Him.  He can be trusted no matter what happens.  A wise friend told me that through her adoption process (which was very difficult towards the end), the Lord reminded her that her children were never hers to begin with...they are His, and He will do what is best (not good; BEST) for them.  We. Can. Trust. Him.

1 comment:

  1. I admire and respect you Jenni! Love reading your blog and so excited for your family and this adoption!
