The Journey Home

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Oh, it is true.  In 2 short months I will be turning 40.  Turning 40 doesn't bother me like I thought it might, but man does it have me thinking about my life.  I only have 3 short years left with my eldest daughter living in our home; only 5 years with our son.  Where did the years go?  How in the world are my curly haired, tow-headed, pudgy little ones teenagers already?  I really do think like this.  Crazy how I am 40.  This morning, as I was trying to listen to the voice of God through Scripture, He yelled at me in the book of beginnings, the book of Genesis.  I've been following Abraham and Sarah for a while now, and God reminded me of an important truth.  I had to read it twice (and you may have to as well) to understand what He was saying to me through this seemingly mundane piece of information.  Here it is from Genesis 25:  

"These are the days of Abraham's life, 175 years."

And I am reminded:  The YEARS of my life consist of the DAYS of it.  My daily living.  My daily interactions with the precious people God has allowed me to live with.  The mundane (but very consuming) tasks of everyday living.  So thank You, Lord.  Thank you for reminding me to be in the moment this day.  To remember that this day will never happen again.  When Biruk asks me to read A Pair of Red Clogs for the 45th time, help me to do it with joy knowing that this moment is the only one I KNOW that I have.  When Kristen wants to be crafty with me, help me to look at quality time spent and not the glue and glitter on the countertop and floor.  When my big girl lays in my lap and asks me to rub her back, help me to be in the moment and not thinking about what I'm going to make for dinner.  When Leah begs for family read-aloud time, remind me what a blessing it is that she's asking for this at all and take the time to do it.  With the Lord's help, that is exactly what I need to do:  

Take the time given to me, not just let time pass and then wonder where in the world it went.

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