"Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
This one jumped out at me because I got through the end of the book that's been consuming me, there is no me without you. The last story she relayed was about a child she had met in the orphanage in Addis Ababa. Both she and her brother were dropped off at the orphanage by their aunts, as their parents had died and the extended family was unable to care for them. As she was guided in through the gates, she started to scream for her family not to leave her. She cried and was inconsolable. She ran numerous times into the gate that closed behind her, trying to follow her aunts who sat just outside the gate crying into each others shoulders. It was one of the hardest things I've ever read. Thankfully, some time later, this sister and brother were adopted. She started talking about that day to her mommy after they had settled into their new home. She said,
"Yabsira cry a little. I am scream."
"Why did you cry, baby?" asked her mother.
"I don't know this Ethiopia. I want my Ethiopia with Goshay (Grandfather) and Fasika (Aunt). I don't want new Ethiopia."
"You were sad," said her mother.
"No hope, Mommy. I have no hope."
"Oh, honey..."
"Because no one told me, Mommy."
"Told you what?"
"That you are here in America. I will not feel so sad if I know you are here." "Yeah, I was here getting ready, getting your rooms ready. I was here, me and your daddy, waiting and getting ready."
"I am cry because I don't know you will coming." (pg. 384)
Sometimes I find myself thinking, "What do I have to give? I truly am no one of consequence. We don't make loads and loads of money. We don't have a gigantic house. I'm fallible and make mistakes..." And on and on I can go. Then, the Lord whispers to me, "My power is made perfect in your weakness. I will show this all-surpassing power through your common little jar of clay, if you'll let Me." So I'll give what I have. I'll give copious amounts of love, hugs, snuggles, kisses, and tickles. We'll do our very best to help them grow in the love of the Lord. I'll give myself fully to God everyday, and watch in amazement at what He does through me. I pray that to two (actually, six) little ones, giving what I have will be better than I dare to think.