The Journey Home

Thursday, April 28, 2011


WE HAVE A COURT DATE!!!!!!!!!  Seriously, guys, if you think that God doesn't work in the lives of men and women today, re-read all of my posts.  He has totally blown me away AGAIN.  As you might recall, my last post was about how I had to surrender my frustrations and sadness over not having any idea when we would be assigned a court date to make our adoption of Abigail Biruk legal in the country of Ethiopia.  In this adoption journey every time He asks me to surrender to Him and I do, He moves on our behalf.  It hasn't always worked like this in my life, but it has certainly been the case over the past year and two months.  

So here's the low-down:  We need to be in Ethiopia to stand before the court on June 1st.  That means that several things need prayer!  
1)  That the Lord would provide the money we need for the trip
2)  That the Lord would work out all of the details for the kids and our dog while we're away 
3)  That He would bring us peace and safety as we travel
4)  That He would bring our children peace as we travel
5)  That He would allow us the honor of meeting Biruk's family while we're there and give us exactly the right words to speak into them when we do
6)  That her family would be given peace the moment they meet us; that the Lord would also confirm to them that He brought us to their cherished loved one 
7)  That He would prepare her sweet little heart to leave everything she's ever known to come live in America and that the transition would not be traumatic for her

...and anything else that the Spirit lays on your heart to pray!  We so love each of you and are so thankful for your encouragement and for interceding on our behalf.  We'll keep you posted!  AND WE PRAISE THE LORD JESUS!  Woo-hoo!!!


  1. Crying right now. So so happy for you guys. praying His peace over ALL 7(!) of you! oh He is so good!

  2. Yes, He is, sister!! We're praying for you as you begin this amazing journey with Him and are so excited for your family, too!!

  3. Jenny
    Just met you Friday eve. at my sale....the paper-rose. I wanted you to know that I drove to Fairmount today to purchase 5 pairs of those ever so cute earrings from Ami. I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer this week and in days to come! God is so good!!!!!

  4. Thank you so much, Brenda! Aren't they so cute? She's done such a great job, and her heart to help our family is such a blessing to us. Thank you for all of your prayers! We have two very important days to lift up: the 31st when we get to meet Biruk and the 1st when we stand before the court. We love that others are praying with us!!

  5. My family wishes you ALL the best in this effort. I read about you and your products on Money Saving Mom's blog. I am making a purchase from your site and have posted your store on facebook to spread the word. Best of luck to you!!! Liz T. & Family
